It is an accepted part of life that men begin to notice the signs of ageing as early as in their thirties. Most men reach their physical peak of fitness in their mid to late twenties, and after this time, the body starts to enter a slow process of general decline. When men enter their forties, the heart starts to become less efficient at pumping the blood around the body and the elasticity of blood vessels starts to reduce. There is a wide range of signs that a man is beginning to age, and these can include the hair turning grey, an increase in wrinkles, and a general decline in cognitive functions. This article describes three common signs of ageing in men and how their effects can be minimised.
Hair Loss
Some men find that they begin to experience hair loss as early as their mid-twenties. Hair loss is thought to be largely driven by genetic factors, and if your father is bald or suffers from hair loss, then you may be more likely to experience the same. For some men, losing their hair can be an upsetting and distressing experience, as it represents a clear sign that they are beginning to age. However, there is a range of treatments that can reduce hair loss in men or stop the process completely. One common treatment for hair loss is to take finasteride tablets and you can find chemists that supply this medicine by searching for finasteride UK. Treatments such as this offer a clinically proven solution to hair loss and are effective in reducing the effects of male pattern baldness. It is important to understand that many men consider hair loss a natural part of ageing and may be comfortable with the effects of hair loss without seeking treatments.
Reduced Bone Density
In middle age and the later stages of life, it is common for men to experience a reduction in bone density. It is a condition that can go unnoticed but can cause significant problems in the senior years of life. A reduced bone density will increase the likelihood of sustaining serious injuries, such as fractures, if slips, trips, and falls occur in later life because the bones are not as strong. Thankfully, there is a range of physical exercises that can be undertaken that can promote improved bone density. Undertaking regular programs of exercise that serve to strengthen muscles and bones can be the most effective way to minimize reductions in bone density.
Hearing and Vision
Many men find that their hearing and/or vision begins to decline as they get older. Typically, hearing loss becomes an issue once men have reached the age of sixty-five. Vision problems can occur as early as in the mid-twenties for some men but often only become a problem in later life. To reduce the effects of hearing loss, there is a range of modern and discreet hearing aids, and for vision loss, men have the option of buying prescription glasses to correct vision or undergoing laser eye surgery. In short, hearing and vision problems that are caused by ageing can often be treated quickly and effectively.