The Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham has marked six years since first elected by outlining plans for the future following Greater Manchester’s trailblazer devolution deal:
Over the next two months he will announce plans for a brand new Greater Manchester Baccalaureate, a Greater Manchester Landlord charter and bringing rail travel into the region’s Integrated Transport system.
Starting next week, he will set out he hopes can be achieved with new powers given to us in the Trailblazer devolution deal subject to agreement with the Government.
Across the rest of May and June, there will be three major announcements.
The first will see the idea of an MBacc – or Manchester Baccalaureate.
“The MBacc will focus on subjects which maximise their chance of getting a good job in the growing success story that is the GM economy. “ says the Mayor adding:
“It will steer students towards good T Levels just as the EBacc does for A Levels. It’s an exciting change which has the potential to lift the life chances of our young people and make this the place to invest for companies who want to recruit the best young talent.”
The second proposal will see the introduction of a GM Good Landlord Charter using new powers and possibilities granted to the region by the Government.
It will have three clear purposes: first, to empower tenants; second, to give greater recognition to the many good landlords out there; and third, to isolate those who fail to meet basic standards and put pressure on them to change.
Thirdly with plans for a Greater Manchester Integrated Transport System will under way Burnham will give more detail on bringing commuter rail services into the system and set out a new fare structure for GM which will make public transport more affordable.
Six years in, writes the Mayor,
”I feel the things I set out to achieve are slowly becoming a reality. Devolution in England is bringing most of the much-needed new thinking and positive energy to British politics right now. We are changing things for the better from the bottom up – and the best is still to come.”
“Thank you for giving me the privilege of leading this incredible place and a job I truly love. I will continue to give it my all.