Stockport is warning that its cases of Covid are rising,
Having moved from seeing 5 or fewer cases per day on average through late June and earlier in July, to seeing between 5-15 cases per day since Thursday 23rd July.
This is well below many other areas across the country, says the council, “but as we are starting to see in particular rising numbers of cases in our 18-25 year old population (which does not appear to be limited to a particular district or neighbourhood within Stockport), this is obviously a growing concern and we are as a result taking the following actions.”
For younger adults they are engaging with our community through a variety of routes, to encourage ‘covid-safe’ socialising. We know that by keeping 2m social distancing when meeting up with others, we each reduce the chance of transmission and not becoming a contact.
“An extensive social media campaign will be launched today, and we encourage all residents to share and promote these important messages.”
“We know that our residents will be starting to meet friends in bars, restaurants and other venues and we want to encourage everyone to do this as safely as possible to keep the rate of infection in the town as low as possible and to keep our communities healthy. Keeping a 2 metre distance with friends remains the most effective approach.”
Director of Public Health, Jennifer Connolly said: “We would like to remind all residents, no matter what age they are, of the importance of not meeting up with anyone if there are any confirmed cases within the household. If this is the case households should isolate for 14 days if a household member has been tested positive or has symptoms and is awaiting test results. We encourage everyone in Stockport to comply with NHS test and trace advice, including isolating for 14 days if you are advised to do so following contact with someone who has been confirmed as having covid-19.”