A 71-year-old man has today been arrested on suspicion of preventing lawful burial, in connection with an ongoing investigation.

This investigation began in April, when we discovered human remains of a baby at a property on Marsh Green, Wigan.

This takes the total arrests to six, with this latest man still in custody for questioning. The other five people remain on police bail whilst our enquiries continue.

Detective Chief Inspector John Davies leading the investigation said, “This latest arrest has come on the back of thorough detective work which has been ongoing since 10 April.

“Our investigation is incredibly complex, with several detectives and specialists solely dedicated to establish the full circumstances as to what has happened.

“A Home Office postmortem has now taken place on the remains, however further testing with various specialists is still required, and now ongoing. We remain open minded in our enquiries, and are making progress.

“As I have previously assured, this is being treated as an isolated incident and no further remains belonging to any other persons have been found connected with this investigation.”


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