Pupils will return to secondary schools a week later in January to enable all pupils to be tested for Covid 19, the education secretary has announced with face-to-face education for all starting on 11 January.
Vocational exams scheduled for the week of 4 January will go ahead as planned.
Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said:
“This targeted testing round will clamp down on the virus as students return from the Christmas break and help stop the spread of Covid-19 in the wider community.
Building on the fantastic actions that schools and colleges have already taken to be as safe as possible, this additional testing will catch those who have the virus but are not showing symptoms to help schools and colleges stay in control of the virus throughout the spring term.
The new programme of daily testing for close contacts of those with confirmed cases of the virus will also mean we can keep more pupils in school, the best place for their development and wellbeing. Over the rest of the academic year and in the run up to exams, it will remain a national priority to keep education open for all, while keeping schools as safe as possible”
Schools and colleges will be able to establish testing to offer students two rapid tests three days apart, with positive results confirmed by a lab-based PCR test.
Guidance will shortly be provided to schools and colleges on how to set up and staff the testing sites. Armed forces personnel will support directly through planning with schools and colleges. Reasonable workforce costs will be reimbursed.
Those students attending face-to-face education in the first week of term will be offered the first testing dates.