Revised plans have been revealed this morning for one of four new blocks being built on First Street which will see it being used for student accommodation
The revised plans for Block C are being bought forward by Downing Students
Construction works in relation to the first two phases of development at Plot 11 (comprising Blocks A, B and D as co-living) commenced in March 2022 and are expected to complete late 2024 / early 2025, after which residents will be welcomed into their new homes.
Subject to planning approval, it is envisaged that works in relation to the third phase of development (comprising Block C) will commence following the completion of the first two phases.
The developer says that there is an established need for high-quality PBSA across Manchester, particularly in accessible locations such as First Street – it is in close proximity to the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University Campuses, public transport linkages as well as key services and amenities located within the City Centre.
In addition to contributing to an identified need for PBSA, the revised proposal for Block C has also enabled Downing Students to make improvements to the public realm offering that will be delivered as part of the wider plans for Plot 11.
The new plan includes a larger public park, which has allowed for an increased number of trees to be planted, improved pedestrian and cycle routes and a net increase in Biodiversity Net Gain.
Ian Harrison, Projects Director at Downing, commented: “We’re delighted to be bringing forward this revised proposal for Block C, Plot 11, First Street. In light of the significant increase in the demand for PBSA in Manchester city centre, we hope that the development will not only contribute towards meeting this need, but also diversify the residential offer at First Street and help to solidify its status as one of the city’s most successful regeneration stories.’
Detailed information on the updated proposal for Plot 11, First Street, is provided on a dedicated consultation website (, where feedback on the plans can be submitted until Sunday 12 November 2023. As part of the consultation, a public drop-in session will be held on Wednesday 1 November 2023 between 4pm and 7pm.