The Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has unveiled a major planning overhaul to boost housebuilding announcing a mandatory housing target of 370,000 new homes a year
Rayner said the target is needed to tackle “the most acute housing crisis in living history”
“These are the right reforms the country so desperately needs, and we will not be deterred by those who seek to stand in the way of our country’s future.” she told MP’s
The Right to Buy will be reformed and social landlords will get rent stability as part of a series of housing pledges unveiled
By restoring mandatory housing targets, the method used to calculate them, which relied on decade old data, will be updated.
The new method will require councils to ensure homes are built in the right places and development is proportionate to the size of existing communities, while adding an extra level of ambition in the most unaffordable areas.
Housing charity Shelter said the Deputy PM’s ambition for change could potentially mean doubling the supply of social homes in a year