Plans to revamp the children’s play area at a popular Cadishead park has started.

The play area will be closed off for approximately five weeks while work is carried out to make the site easier for wheelchair users and people with pushchairs to use.Park revamp

New play equipment, including a wheelchair accessible roundabout, swings for children with disabilities or parents and toddlers and a new adventure trail will be installed, along with a safer rubber surface underneath.

The council has worked with the Friends of Lordy Park to draw up plans and make the park more accessible for younger children and children with disabilities.

Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett, Deputy City Mayor, Councillor Tracy Kelly and the ward Councillors made a visit to the site along with local children from St Mary’s Primary School in Cadishead to officially put the first spade in the ground and begin the works.

Councillor David Lancaster, lead member for environment and community safety, said: “This is already a popular park and I’m sure the new equipment will make it even more popular. It will cater for toddlers to teenagers. There will also be a Viking Swing for older children and the adventure trail will include a climbing net, wobble board, trapeze walk and log steps.

“The play area will be fenced off and a new path from the main path will make it easier for people with wheelchairs or pushchairs to reach it. It is great news for local people and I can’t wait to visit when it is fully finished.”
Craig Havern, chair of Friends of Lordy Park, said: “I’m absolutely delighted to hear work is about to start on replacing and fencing off the play area and installing new paths.”


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