Advancing your business on the international level is both profitable and demanding. While trading globally enables reaching millions of new target clients, you also have to invest in convenient payment processing for ecommerce and other cross-border solutions. With such international payment systems as exactly®, you receive access to the most influential global currencies, popular payment solutions, global payment card security, and more. If you are looking for the best card payment processing UK, this service will cover all your international digital commerce needs.
Convenient Payment Solutions and Localization
exactly® is currently the most beneficial method of card payment processing for small business and large-scale companies alike. This service allows trading with local currencies online all across the globe. Each payment is processed automatically and converted in the required currency. Thanks to the wide selection of globally accessible payment methods, there is an opportunity to reach out to clients in many different countries. With the user interface localized in a range of international languages, solutions become even more accessible. This is possible thanks to the IP recognition technology that selects the necessary language automatically. Here are some other services offered by exactly®:
Dunning – with the help of AI and manual involvement, it is possible to track regular payments and their retries. Those payments ending in failure can be rescued and optimized for better performance.
Automatic card updates – an automatic updating technology is installed to keep up with changes in payment card data and optimize it for all clients internationally. The percentage of lost income is reduced, and a comfortable user experience is offered for loyal customers. Updates from the most widespread payment solutions are also integrated. MasterCard and Visa updates are received to go along with the native AI from exactly®.
Managing currencies – all operations that go through the payment gateway are displayed in a specific local currency based on the data received from the IP of the customer. The system selects the most fitting bank to avoid cross-border rejected operations. Merchants are in benefit as well thanks to receiving payments on their end without having to cover exchange fees.
Automatic Selection of Payment Routes
Each financial operation rejected by the first acquiring bank choice is instantly redirected to another institution. This strategy allows reducing the payment rejection percentage. Thanks to this mechanism, it becomes easier to match the payer with a suitable bank globally. Here is how the necessary banks are selected:
The system examines the transaction information, such as the country of the user, currency, the amount of money being sent, etc.
A specific local bank is picked automatically based on the data provided in the transaction. With the possibility of sharing geolocation for both parties, transactions receive better approval rates.
Thanks to the mediation of exactly®, each transaction goes smoothly and effortlessly for both the buyer and the merchants.
Extensive Reporting System for Efficient Management
Improving your operations and making adjustments as you go is simple thanks to the selection of handy reporting tools. Here are the solutions you will be working with:
Intuitive user interface and convenient dashboard. You will have easy access to all the data generated in real-time. There are helpful templates for reports and opportunities for customization.
Data coordination process. All data about each transaction in every currency is stored in a shared pool. This makes accessing detailed information much quicker and easier. It is only necessary to complete integration to receive unlimited access to all data.
Discovering crucial data. Thanks to in-depth analysis of various transactions’ criteria, it becomes easier to distinguish successful areas and those needing improvements. You can conduct sales analysis based on the currency, region, country, etc. It is possible to identify the exact roots of refunds and other charges, which allows coming up with effective prevention strategies promptly.
With global payment processing, companies can benefit from access to all popular international currencies and a free-of-charge conversion system. Managing regular and mass payments allows creating convenient solutions for international clients. These payment solutions can be easily integrated as both separate hosted pages and an embedded payment solution on the company website itself. The specialists at exactly® will guide you through the integration process and facilitate all technical solutions.