A network of engineers, policymakers, industry stakeholders and scientists, including the University of Salford, will take on one of the UK’s most overlooked environmental challenges: noise pollution.

From the constant hum of road traffic to the thousands of flights in and out of UK airports, noise awareness in our modern world often fades into the background – but it carries significant consequences for both human health and wildlife.

Over the next 10–15 years, Noise Network Plus will focus on promoting conscious design processes to create quieter products, buildings, and transportation systems, with the aim to reduce noise pollution and build a healthier environment.

And The University of Salford will be bringing its world class expertise and facilities to work on the problem, thanks to a £1.8m grant from EPSRC. Professor Antonio J. Torija Martinez and Dr Simone Graetzer from the School of Science, Engineering and Environment at the University of Salford are Co-Leads on the grant.

Antonio J. Torija Martinez, Professor of Acoustic Engineering and Psychoacoustics, said: “As the UK progresses toward Net Zero, uptake in sustainable energy and advanced technology, such as wind turbines and drones, are set to become increasingly prevalent. Through our initiative, we aim to transform the way noise is managed, embedding innovative solutions into engineering design and policy.”

Simone Graetzer, Senior Research Fellow, said: “At this critical time for the environment, our research and innovation network will employ a systems-thinking approach to address the root causes of noise and leverage technology for meaningful change.”

The University of Surrey will lead on the project. Professor Mark Plumbley, project lead and Professor of Signal Processing at the University of Surrey’s Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, said:  “Noise is a frequently neglected pollutant, but it has a big impact on health, society and the environment. For example, road noise can lead to sleep disturbance and heart disease, costing £7-10 billion each year in England alone. Once noise is out there, it is really hard to remove. We need to re-think how we design noise from the start.”

Noise Network Plus is one of six research projects to receive a share of £10 million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Together they form part of its wider network-based community engagement initiative to address ‘Tomorrow’s Engineering Research Challenges’ (TERC), launched today (11th February), which focuses on tackling the most pressing issues facing the engineering sector.

A collaboration between the University of Surrey, City St George’s University of London, the University of Bath, and the University of Salford, Noise Network Plus aims to build unprecedented research capabilities to tackle the complex challenge of reducing noise and its impacts on people, the environment and the economy. Bringing together diverse teams and stakeholders, the initiative will promote inclusive dialogue and co-design innovative solutions.

The launch of Noise Network Plus will take place on 18th March at Prince Philip House, London, the home of the Royal Academy of Engineering. The event will bring together a cross-section of people from engineering and other disciplines including researchers, industry, professional institutions, policymakers, charities, and other stakeholders, to identify the challenges that need to be addressed, and plan how the Network can address these challenges.


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