Nine students from the University of Manchester who have been taking part in a rent strike have been found guilty and are to be disciplined by the University
The nine will have to write apologies to the University for engaging in protest action and promise to never be involved in various kinds of on-campus activism again, six must undertake fire safety training and three forced to undertake up to 40 hours of unpaid work on campus, or ‘community service’
In a statement the group said that The only regulation any of us have been found guilty of breaking us health and safety related, despite being put on trial for breaking six university regulations. We still reject this charge as not based on the evidence presented adding that All of the students facing punishment will be appealing the decision by the UDP. The punishments are completely disproportionate and there was unacceptable conduct throughout the process by the Uni, who have lied to the media, used false evidence, and deliberately misled the UDP
The rent strike began on 19 January 2023 with the students asking for 30% reduction in rent for halls of residence and 30% of the October payment to be refunded.
They argue that there should be no rent increases for the next three years and that the University should make 40% of student halls affordable, as per NUS guidelines
During the strike the eleven barricaded themselves inside the Simon Building for more than five weeks before being evicted by bailiffs.
“Thank you to all who have supported us over the last few months, at every stage of the disciplinary process.Despite UoM’s attempts to silence student activists, we are not going anywhere and will continue to campaign with students on campus. We have a world to win” they added