The Clothing retailer Next has announced that it will re-open Online in a very
limited way from today
Initially only categories that customers most need will be offered, such as Childrenswear and selected small Home items. Other product ranges may be added at a later date.
Operations will start with support from colleagues who are willing and able to safely return to work. The idea is to begin selling in low volumes, so that we only need a small number of colleagues in each warehouse at any one time, helping to ensure rigorous social distancing is complied with.
To achieve these limited volumes, it says it will only allow customers to order the number of items that it believes can be picked safely on any given day. At that point they will then stop taking orders and convert the website to ‘browse only’ until the following morning.
Next says it has been working with its Managers and USDAW union to agree a selection process to help us decide who can return to work and will be only be asking individuals who wish to return to come in.