Manchester-based company Social Circle has launched a Wellbeing programme aimed at businesses whose teams are returning to work, after months of working remotely during the pandemic. Social Circle Wellbeing has been specifically forged as a response to Covid-19’s impact on wellbeing within the workplace, dedicated to making this transition back to work as seamless as possible.
This startup company organises custom and pre-packaged social events for small businesses across Manchester and the rest of the UK, aiming to strengthen co-worker relationships, improve job satisfaction and boost productivity.
While many employees have been suffering from ‘Zoom fatigue’ over lockdown, returning to the office, sans Zoom, is not without its challenges. Nationwide cases of mental health issues have rocketed since the beginning of the pandemic, predominantly due to a universal feeling of isolation and disconnection from others. Moreover, having spent the best part of a year working remotely, many find the prospect of reconnecting with their colleagues, face-to-face, to be incredibly anxiety-inducing.
There are also a multitude of employees who have recently joined companies, and thus haven’t even met their colleagues in person yet. So, while returning to work is a welcome return to normality, we need to be aware of its momentous nature for many.
Employees’ mental health and welfare should be at the forefront of any employer’s business strategy; not only are employers morally responsible for providing any needed support, a happy workforce also equals a productive workforce.Social Circle Wellbeing sets out to help employers and employees alike to reconnect through bespoke daytime and evening activities, with an intrinsic focus on team building. This change of scene will undoubtedly inspire fresh, creative thinking, start new conversations and re-establish social connections. Plus, Social Circle Wellbeing avidly promotes the notion that employers should reward their employees for their commitment and hard work throughout the pandemic.