A Stockport mum has written an heartfelt message after making the decision to turn her 14 year old son’s life support system as he lies in a hospital bed

Ben Horton from Edgerley was found unconscious on Thursday morning in bed after his mother tried to wake him to go to school

“ his lips and finger tips was blue.
We rang 999 then I had to start cpr which you do not ever expect to be doing on your 14 year old son. ambulance & police arrived quickly to help Ben and we were transported to Manchester royal children’s hospital.

Ben was very critical and put on life support. He was very unstable, the doctors and nurses did many scans, bloods and many more test to find that the oxygen had been cut from bens brains for a while which caused his brain to swell and damaged some brains cells. Doctors said ben had a 50/50 chance of pulling though.

Ben wasn’t reacting to lights and his eyes was fixed and the life support was doing all the work for him.

After battling for two long days and nights Ben still wasn’t reacting , he sadly didn’t pull through. Ben tried your hardest but today Saturday his life support will be turned off at 12pm


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