A school in New Moston has been accused of being rife in bullying with many pupils engaging in racist, homophobic and misogynistic name- calling.
Inspectors found a significant number of pupils who attended St Matthews RC High School in Moston displayed no respect or tolerance for the differences between themselves and other people.
Many pupils are not happy at this school. They told inspectors that they do not feel safe due to the behaviour and attitudes of other pupils.
Inspectors found that sometimes staff do not feel that they have the support from senior leaders to keep themselves, or pupils, safe from harm.
Leaders do not have high enough expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Some pupils said that leaders do not take their concerns seriously.
Pupils are regularly exposed to fights and aggressive behaviour. Swearing and the use of derogatory language by pupils are commonplace and Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and at social times is poor.
There were frequent disruptions to lessons. Pupils’ unruly behaviour at social times prevents other pupils who are in lessons from learning.
Pupils at this school do not achieve well and they are not safe said OFSTED.
Leaders have done too little to tackle the wide-reaching weaknesses at the school.
Many pupils engage in disorderly behaviour. Other pupils do not understand boundaries and they engage in harmful sexual behaviour. Supply teachers and newer staff find it challenging to manage pupils’ disruptive behaviour.
Some staff said that they are not always supported by senior leaders to manage pupils’ outbursts. Leaders’ safeguarding and behaviour records are unacceptably poor.
Some pupils’ rates of attendance are poor, particularly disadvantaged pupils. Two- thirds of disadvantaged pupils are regularly absent from school. Leaders have been unsuccessful in addressing this serious issue.
Added to this, a large number of pupils are considerably late to school. Inspectors witnessed many of those pupils waiting in the late queue engaging in unacceptable behaviour.
The Emmaus Trust which took over the running of the school in June 2021 gave us the following statement regarding St Matthews
“The Trust and the staff are clearly very disappointed with the outcome of the recent Ofsted inspection. We are implementing a robust action plan that will rapidly address the concerns raised in the report.”
The school joined the Emmaus Trust in June 2021, we are a growing Trust with a leadership track record for improving standards and outcomes. We are confident that with the support and leadership the trust brings we will continue to see improvements for the pupils at St. Matthews.