If you want to obtain the best results from your marketing strategies, it’s highly important you become familiar with marketing analytics tools and what they can do for your business.
These tools are designed to offer valuable analytics, often in the form of insights and reports, that help you gain a clearer understanding of your marketing.
This can include wider visibility of where your leads are coming from, the value produced from each campaign, or the channels generating the most conversions, for example. There are plenty of useful analytics you can take advantage of.
But with several marketing analytics tools to choose from, each offering their own features, how do you find the right one?
In this guide, we’ll take you through one specific analytics tool we feel is among the most effective when it comes to enhancing various areas of your marketing – call tracking software.
What is call tracking?
Call tracking software is a sophisticated solution designed to monitor and analyse phone calls generated through marketing campaigns.
On the one hand, the software can track every phone call and provide data on things like call duration, abandonment rate, call time, and more.
But also, it goes beyond this to deliver a wide overview of your marketing performance.
Call tracking achieves this through dynamic number insertion, where each website visitor receives a unique phone number based on a range of conditions, such as the specific marketing campaigns they visited.
You can then view each touchpoint a customer visited before, during, and after they called, helping you attribute each caller to the right marketing source.
On top of that, the software offers granular data on the performance of your marketing based on the calls driven by each campaign.
What are the key benefits?
There are a wide range of benefits you receive with call tracking software due to its many advanced features:
- Detailed attribution
Call tracking software excels in attributing your calls to the specific marketing efforts that generated them.
Whether it’s a social media campaign, a pay-per-click (PPC) advertisement, or an email marketing initiative, you can clearly see where each conversion took place, giving you more visibility over your customer journeys.
- Performance measurement
The tool provides detailed analytics on several things such as conversion numbers, call duration, and call outcomes.
This data allows you to evaluate the success of your marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimise future strategies.
- Clear customer insights
Call tracking software goes beyond basic metrics by offering crucial insights into customer behaviours and preferences.
For instance, by analysing call transcripts with speech analytics you can uncover important customer needs, allowing for more personalised and effective communication – as well as campaign messaging.
- Multi-channel integration
Effective marketing often involves a combination of online and offline channels, which is why it’s important to track both accurately for a full overview of your marketing.
Call tracking software seamlessly integrates with various marketing platforms you might be using already, providing a unified view of customer interactions across the entire marketing spectrum.
- Optimising spend
By understanding which marketing channels are driving the most phone enquiries, you can more efficiently allocate the right budget to match the value of each campaign.
This optimisation can lead to increased return on investment (ROI) and a more efficient use of resources.
- Customising marketing strategies
Armed with real-time, comprehensive data, you can tailor your marketing strategies to align with customer preferences as they change.
This customisation can lead to more targeted campaigns, resonating with what your audience is engaging with most and driving higher conversion rates.
When it comes to marketing analytics tools, call tracking emerges as a superior software to help your business optimise its marketing strategies.
Whether you want to attribute your conversions more effectively, gain valuable customer insights, or enhance campaigns across your channels, this tool offers a comprehensive solution for improving your marketing efforts.
How will you be using call tracking software in your business?