The first vaccines will be administered from tomorrow (Weds 16 December) at the Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre in Wythenshawe.
Patients who are registered with a GP practice in Wythenshawe, that are aged 80 or above and are able to travel have been invited to receive the vaccine at the Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre in Wythenshawe.
This site was identified as the best initial location to roll out community-based vaccination in Manchester, with additional Primary Care Network sites to be announced in the coming weeks.
A second dose of the vaccination will be given to patients 3-4 weeks after receiving their first injection.
Patients will be notified they are eligible to get a vaccine by their GP, either by phone or letter.
David Regan, Manchester’s Director of Public Health, said: “From day one our priority has been to protect as many people as possible from Covid-19. The successful development of an effective and safe vaccine will allow us to save thousands of lives over the coming months.
“This is, however, just the first step and we will not see results overnight. Until the vaccine is being widely distributed our first line of defence will still be quick and accurate testing, as well as adhering to social distancing, good hygiene and the wearing of masks.”
Dr Manisha Kumar, Medical Director Manchester Health and Care Commissioning, said: “The launch of our first vaccination site, marks the start of the largest vaccination programme we have ever undertaken in Manchester. Our primary care staff across the city are working together to set up more sites in our communities so we can vaccinate people safely.”
“I am so proud my GP colleagues, across the city, who have worked tirelessly to set these sites up – so we can protect our patients against the virus. But we can’t do this without the support of the people of Manchester; and so, I would urge all our patients to book in straight away when they are called up for the vaccine.”
“We know that many of our patients are keen to get their vaccinations as soon as possible, but please don’t call your practice to book in unless you have be