Manchester City Football Club has today unveiled a mosaic dedicated to the memory of the  Club’s former Honorary President, Sir Howard Bernstein at the Etihad Stadium. 

Depicting lifelong City fan Sir Howard wearing a blue and white club scarf, the mosaic takes  inspiration from a memorable photo of Sir Howard selected by his family. Sir Howard is  captured in what was, for those who knew him, a familiar thoughtful pose – resting his chin  on one hand.  

Created by renowned Manchester artist Mark Kennedy, the mosaic was unveiled by  Chairman, Khaldoon Al Mubarak earlier today, with Sir Howard’s close family in attendance.  

The new mosaic proudly sits alongside the existing mosaic on Sir Howard Bernstein Way,  which features a selection of iconic Manchester landmarks that celebrate the breadth and  depth of Sir Howard’s achievements. The combined mosaics completing a tribute to Sir  Howard that marks his incredible legacy.  

Before kick-off at tomorrow’s match, a dedication to Sir Howard’s life will be read, followed  by a minute’s applause, providing the Club, its players and Manchester City fans, with an  opportunity to pay their respects to a lifelong fan who dedicated his career to the city of  Manchester.  

Manchester City players and manager, Pep Guardiola will also wear black armbands for the  duration of the match.  

Commenting on the unveiling of the new mosaic Chairman, Khaldoon Al Mubarak, said:

“Sir Howard was a rare – once in a lifetime – champion for change and progress. His legacy  surrounds us in a succession of bold projects and initiatives for Manchester that were always 

built on the foundations of the community’s needs. His remarkable legacy is the result of a  unique ability to unite people around a clear vision with incredible humility. 

The new mosaic that we have unveiled today shows Sir Howard in a pose that is instantly  recognisable to all who knew him. It completes a permanent tribute at our stadium for a man  whose contributions to Manchester, and love for his Club, will resonate for generations to  come.” 


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