Hi Folks,
Welcome to my new, weekly Friday column / feature / piece / article / rant or whatever you would care to name it… for the greatly esteemed and much loved ‘About Manchester’.
I have been given free reign by our editor-in-chief Nigel Barlow to write on any subject or issue I so desire.
First nature of business … like the About Manchester Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Also, please subscribe to our newsletter for deals and exclusives!
Expect stuff about myself, my dog (Razzie) and my friends (in that order!)
I’ll also be waxing lyrical about events, music, theatre, travel, comedy, film, food, literature, comic books and about pretty much anything else I can cobble a few hundred words together to wax lyrical about.
I will be vainly spouting my opinions, enthralling you with my experiences far and wide as well as in my much loved Mancunia.
I will probably be self obsessed, opinionated, boarish, sentimental, silly and hopefully readable.
It may we’ll be funny occasionally, it may well not.
Hopefully it will be interesting, stimulating and annoying in equal measure! I’ll always endeavour to be entertaining, witty and hugely positive.
Jump on board …It could get rocky!
Catch you next week!
John S. Locke
Find Lockie on Facebook here: John S. Locke
Email the man himself: [email protected]