The most exciting thing that has happened today is that my new noise cancelling headphones drown out the sound of that goddamn accordion. We were being treated to the same Scottish dirge that was being played on Saturday evening but, at the flick of a switch, it was all gone. Magic!
Like him or loathe him, it is good news for the country that Boris is back at number 10. That must have been so scary for him and his family so let’s hope we are spared that situation. From the pictures on the news today, he is certainly showing us he is the same as the rest of us as he’s rocking a look that can only be described as “desperately needing a haircut”.
Everyone else must have had the same idea as me on Saturday and gone to the post office as our letterbox had a very busy day today. Somebody has very kindly sent us a Strictly Come Dancing WASGIJ today but we have no idea who. For those of you who do not know what this is, it is a peculiar type of jigsaw where you puzzle what the characters see and not the usual picture on the box. Before we can start the actual puzzle itself we need to puzzle out who has sent it. Such fun!
I’m nodding off galore today and I think it is the result of all of the chilling and drinking over the weekend. I don’t think I will be able to keep my eyes open during our Italian lesson later. I even had a “nana nap” for half an hour sitting up which, up until a year ago, was very unusual but seems to be becoming more and more frequent the older I get.
Actually, by the time we got to our Italian lesson, I had revived. It might have been the strong coffee or it could also have been the giggles from the ridiculousness of our translation efforts but it was a hoot and a half. Dave mistook the slippers under his bed for sandwiches and I said in perfect Italian that there were flowers sticking out of my husband. Oh well, we won’t be going to Italy very soon so plenty of time to practice.
My List: More of my book – although it’s a bit sad right now, I know the main protagonist is fine so it’s happy-sad. We think that things are bad enough being in lockdown but imagine having locked in syndrome where you are basically trapped in your body – it makes me feel quite panicked at the very thought; & some catch-up-catch-up TV with episode 1 of Blood (I’ve absolutely no idea what is going on) & even more Modern Family. I’ve become a couch potato and have even stopped my walk around the block on account of the stress it was causing. I’m still loosing weight, though, so must be doing something right.
My Lowlight: Dave smashed a few plates & glasses in the kitchen and it went everywhere so we’ll not be going barefoot for a while – WOOOSSSAAAAAHHHH!
My Highlight: HOORAH!!! There is now room in the cupboard for the new glasses when they arrive. Plus, Dave knows all about them and can’t argue that we don’t need them. The universe definitely moves in mysterious ways!