A 32 year old Wigan man has been jailed for twelve months for a series of  voyeurism offences against young girls in the town

Johnny Gentle of Acton Street had recorded an image beneath the clothing of a woman at Tesco, on Central Park Way.

The victim and an independent witness had picked out Gentle via a parade as being responsible for the offence.Days later Gentle recorded an image under a schoolgirl’s skirt at Wigan Bus Station, with the incident being captured on CCTV.

Gentle was quickly identified and provided ‘no comment’ interviews to the police. He was charged and remanded in custody.

Detective Constable Riyaz Patel from Wigan CID said: “Johnny Gentle is a sexual predator who has committed sexual acts against lone vulnerable females.

“I’d like to thank the victims for coming forward to apprehend this dangerous offender and bring him off the streets of Wigan.

“I hope the sentence imposed by the courts give the victim’s closure and shows that the police will investigate serious and sexual crime vigorously.

“Officers will always work thoroughly and diligently to punish those responsible for sexual crimes in our communities.

“We encourage anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault, or knows someone who has, to come forward and speak to the police. We will listen to you and we will investigate.”


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