Closures of gyms and sports facilities during the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly reduced physical activity levels, leaving people feeling disconnected, anxious and becoming unhealthy, according to a new study.
The research, led by Manchester Metropolitan University, shows that between April and September this year, the impact of closed community and grassroots sports had a major impact on mental and physical health.
The report also highlighted issues such as ‘digital poverty’ meaning some people couldn’t access online exercise services.
The independent report, published in collaboration with Active Partnerships in Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside, Cheshire and Yorkshire, interviewed 19 usually very active individuals and 22 sports providers to identify changes in sports participation, behaviour and delivery due to COVID-19 and understand the impact of those changes.
Lead researcher Dr Chris Mackintosh, a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, and special advisor to the new parliamentary group the National Plan for Sport and Recreation Committee, said: “COVID-19 restrictions have had, and continue to have, a big impact on our physical and social opportunities, and as a result has reduced motivations to engage in physical activity.
“Although some people thrived throughout lockdown and felt the positive benefits of keeping active, the majority of people have struggled and it is now having an impact on their physical and mental health.
“The social function of community and grassroots sports is one of the main reasons people take part, so removing this from people’s life is what people have found hardest.”
The report found that those who live in areas with cycle lanes, green spaces, attractive scenery and had their own gardens reported being more active, and found it to have mental health and wellbeing benefits.
However, those that didn’t have this, or for those whose main form of social interaction previously was through sport and physical activity, the COVID-19 lockdown left them feeling lost, and while online alternatives were available, most felt that it was not an effective substitute.
The impact of this is the physical and mental health of participants. Many reported loss of stamina, strength, an increase in weight and a knock-on effect into lifestyle choices such as diet and alcohol consumption.
Mentally, many participants explained how they had reduced self-esteem, a loss of identity, anxiety and instable working routines.
The report also highlighted an issue of digital poverty – that while some people had the opportunity to switch to online workouts and training, others did not have that luxury, either because they were elderly and did not have those skills, or because of financial challenges.
Many organisations also talked about the struggle of staff members using technology.
Dr Mackintosh added: “This report indicates significant implications for more than 300 local authorities, 300 national governing bodies of sport, 1,900 sporting charities and 70,000 sports clubs in England.
“With 11.1 million sports club members and around 3 million coaches in the United Kingdom, the grassroots sector will face considerable challenges as it seeks to emerge from post-pandemic recovery and it is likely to shape sport clubs, local government, charities and individual participation, coaching and volunteering for a considerable time. The next phase of the research will be considering this ‘exit pathway’ stage from the pandemic.”