iKoustic and the University of Salford have successfully developed innovative acoustic insulation and soundproofing products with improved acoustic, thermal and environmental performance as part of a two-year knowledge transfer partnership (KTP).
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are the UK Government’s flagship scheme for collaborative research and development; a three-way collaboration between a business, an academic partner and a highly qualified researcher.
Through the University of Salford KTP, a team from the school of Science, Engineering and Environment worked with iKoustic to successfully develop quieter, slimmer, multi-functional building partitions, using recycled environmentally friendly materials.
The KTP has now been awarded ‘very good’ status by Innovate UK, the UK’s national innovation agency.
Dr Alejandro Garcia-Miranda Ferrari, Knowledge Transfer Manager at the University of Salford, said: “At the University of Salford, we’re passionate about connecting businesses with academic expertise to foster innovation and drive growth.
“It’s excellent to see the Knowledge Transfer Partnership with iKoustic has successfully made significant contributions to the field of acoustic insulation and sound proofing, as well as enhancing iKoustic’s reputation as an innovator in the industrial construction material market.”
With support from the University of Salford’s Acoustics Research Centre, the partnership team successfully introduced a more analytical approach to product development that was based on a combination of Predictive Modelling and a novel testing methodology that makes acoustic product and system testing far more economic and rapid.
Improving research and development processes and designing better-performing, more sustainable products and systems has expanded the appeal and reach of iKoustic, with development costs in both money and time being reduced in the long term.
Rick Parsons, Company Director at iKoustic Ltd, said: “The KTP project with the University of Salford has been an amazing collaborative experience and a great success for iKoustic on so many levels. It has provided iKoustic with the opportunity to introduce a more effective and efficient research and development process, which has led to the development of new products with improved acoustic, thermal and environmental performance.”
The partnership reached a significant milestone when the calibration of all the new processes led to the development of an innovative wall and floor partition lining product, potentially as a long-term replacement for plasterboard. The AcousticWafer® has now been released as a new range for iKoustic.
KTPs create a dynamic tripartite relationship, known as the ‘knowledge triangle’, between a company, a research institution, and a KTP associate. Innovate UK provides substantial funding for KTPs with the remaining covered by the industrial partner.
The KTP provides a full-time researcher – the KTP associate – as well as supervision from an expert academic with specialised knowledge, and access to the University’s cutting-edge research capabilities and state-of-the-art technologies.
KTP associate, Gabriel Whittle, was part of the University’s academic team delivering the project in partnership with iKoustic.