Global warming is a significant cause of environmental degradation and natural disasters around the globe. From flooding to famine and deforestation, the effects of Global warming cut across many spheres of existence. One of the major causes of this issue is the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This is usually a result of industry processes such as manufacturing and refining but can also result from residential processes. 

As a result of their participation in increasing global warming, companies have been charged through initiatives like the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development goals to reduce their emissions and improve the quality of their productions. This article contains some methods these companies can use to ensure that.  

5 Ways Companies Are Contributing to The Fight Against Global Warming 

As the fight against climate change has become a global issue, many companies have begun to contribute towards reducing their carbon footprint. They have taken the initiative to create an individual culture within their organizations. Below are several ways companies are contributing to the fight against global warming. Before that, however, you can learn more about carbon neutral meaning here.  

Nurture Biodiversity 

Deforestation and the potential extinction of several species, including insects, are among the most severe effects of global warming. A significant step taken by a lot of companies is the planting of trees and the sponsoring of biological research geared towards preserving endangered species. Furthermore, nurturing biodiversity also involves taking the initiative to set up tree-planting exercises and sponsoring afforestation sensitization. 

Run Training and Sensitization Exercises 

Employees are now being taught about the benefits of living a green life. These include 5S office culture that preaches about the reduction of energy consumption and proper arrangement of workspaces, to office signs with the meaning of the circular economy’s R’s boldly written. Many companies now organize routine training to motivate their employees to save the planet.  

Encourage Remote Work Activities 

One of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions is burning fuel. Vehicles tend to burn fuel, which is released into the atmosphere through their exhausts. By encouraging workers to remotely carry out their duties or even providing on-site accommodation to essential staff, the risks of several gallons of fuel being burned through exhausts are significantly reduced. This subsequently mitigates the effects of environmental degradation that would have otherwise come from carbon emissions.  


Reducing energy consumption, reusing plastic bags, bottles, and other items, and recycling trash into tangible, valuable objects are just some of the R’s you can find when fighting global warming. These R’s focus on individual initiatives to reduce plastic pollution, overdependence on fossil fuel energy, and other similar activities that promote global warming. It is applicable on both commercial and residential levels.  

Extend Employee Donations to Climate Change Initiatives 

Some companies routinely organize charitable events. Employee donations can be channeled towards more global warming initiatives to help spread the word and fight against global warming. Furthermore, they can also sponsor charitable events set up by NGOs for dealing with climate change and its effects on both people and non-human life. 
The process of achieving net zero carbon emission starts with carbon accounting. A company like Greenly can help your organization discover how much environmental damage is involved in every production stage. 


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