In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has become a more legitimate option for thousands of businesses across the globe. There are many benefits to this, of course. Not only does it cut overheads dramatically as far as office real estate is concerned but it means no commute for the employees and gives them more of a grounded work-life balance. It also means businesses can employ staff from all over the world. No longer are they limited to commutable talent.

But one undeniable drawback of the working from home model is the lack of direct access employers have to their employees and without oversight, many employees can find themselves driven to distraction. We might be living in a new normal, but the same old rules still apply – motivation and morale are key to efficiency. But how can you boost motivation and morale in employees working from home?

 While some people are more introverted and able to march to the beat of their own drum, as it were, that’s not the case for everyone. Working from home can be less motivating for people who thrive from social interaction so they may start to become less efficient while working from home. So, what can you do to keep these employees motivated while they’re working from home?

Offer social events 

Whether this is a day once a month where employees meet up to work or socialise or an online social event over a virtual event platform that allows employees to socialise and have fun from home, social events help a team to bond. The pandemic taught us all how to socialise from the comfort of our own homes, after all.


Offering rewards for hard work is a tried and tested way to boost motivation. This could be anything from gift cards to monetary rewards and even the chance of a promotion or something equivalent.


How are we supposed to know we’re doing a good job (or not doing a good job) if we’re not being told? Giving feedback, both positive and constructive criticism, gives employees a direct response to their work and makes it feel as if it hasn’t gone unnoticed. We also learn from our mistakes and take pride in our accomplishments and that’s true whether we’re working from home or not.

Targets and general incentives 

Implementing targets is a great way to boost motivation. Achievable goals can break the cycle and the tedium of working endlessly with no end result. Adding in a deadline or target will up the ante and help employees stay motivated. Incentives are a great way to get the best results from your employees and boost their motivation. An incentive offers a light at the end of the tunnel.


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