The Green Party is promising extra spending on health and social care rising to over £50bn per year by 2030
In a manifesto preview the party also promised an additional £20 billion in capital investment to improve crumbling buildings.
The large spending commitments they say is part of a fully costed manifesto due to be released on the 12th June in Brighton that includes commitments to “tax wealth fairly” by introducing a wealth tax of 1% on assets over £10 million and 2% over £1 billion.
Commenting at the launch, Green Co-Leader, Adrian Ramsay said “Today’s announcement represents a game changing package that is more than any other political party is offering. It has been fully costed and could be fully delivered.”
Mr Ramsay, who described his personal experience in recent months supporting a family member both through hospitals and then into the care system, said that “many people” could see that the NHS was “stretched to breaking point” despite the “commitment of hard-working NHS staff”.
Green Party Health and Social Care Spokesperson and practicing GP, Dr Pallavi Devulapalli , reiterated this saying that she had “seen first-hand the impact that chronic underinvestment had on patients” describing long-waiting times for treatments and the impact of living in severe pain unable to work or support loved ones.
Mr Ramsay spoke to the need to “restore dignity both for NHS staff and patients”.