The Government has announced plans to review guidance on damp and mould to landlords following the tragic death of two year old Awaab Ishak in Rochdale
Awaab died from a respiratory condition caused by exposure to mould at his Rochdale home, an inquest found.
The North Manchester coroner Joanne Kearsley, last November instructed ministers to take action “to prevent future deaths” after she concluded the toddler’s death was caused by prolonged exposure to mould in his parent’s flat rented from Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
Now Michael Gove replying to the coroner has said that the Government iis working on a policy that would specify time limits landlords must meet on investigating hazards, and acting where there are health concerns and that there were plans to introduce a new private rented sector landlord ombudsman
In a statement Mr Gove said: “We have already taken tough action against failing landlords – blocking Rochdale Boroughwide Housing from receiving taxpayers’ money to build new homes until it can prove it is a responsible landlord and warning others that they will face similar consequences unless they dramatically raise standards.
“Our Social Housing Bill will strengthen the powers of the regulator to ensure tenants are listened to and their concerns dealt with quickly and fairly, with unlimited fines for failing landlords.
“We will work closely with Awaab’s family to deliver tougher laws on damp and mould.”