Blackjack may be one of the simplest games you can play at online casinos. Even so, there are certain things that even more seasoned players of the game may forget. Allow us to enlighten you on five very important things you must never do when playing blackjack at online casinos. Some of these things will result in a lessened chance to win or have a truly negative outcome. Others are just pet peeves that rub casinos up the wrong way. Here is what you need to know about making blackjack mistakes online:
Leave Your Emotions at the Door
Whatever emotional baggage you may be carrying, be sure to leave it at the door. Such nonsense will not be welcomed at the casino. Players who have fits of anger, frustration, and arrogance and who disrespect the casino’s leaders and other players will likely be ejected from the site and have their accounts frozen. This is particularly aimed at live casino game players.
Don’t Chase Losses
As discussed above, it is never a good idea to let your emotions take over when playing blackjack on high stakes. This can cloud your judgement and potentially interfere with your decision-making process. At the same time, you don’t want to make poor decisions like chasing losses. We feel that in 2020, we shouldn’t have to keep reminding players not to chase losses and yet, here we are, doing it again.
Avoid Side-Bets
Blackjack side-bets are bad for your balance. The casino is relying on you fancying your chances at a one-off bet to try and land a bigger prize. However, you only must look at the house edge on these side-bets to realise that they are a terrible option. Avoid them at all casinos – they simply aren’t worth the trouble.
Don’t Try to Count Cards
You may have heard that it is possible to count cards and walk away with a win. We have no doubt that when playing at land-based blackjack tables, this may be a reality for you. We’ve seen it done rather successfully. However, not everybody is a card sharp. Secondly, you’re forgetting one very key thing – online blackjack games use algorithms and RNGs (random number generators) to ensure a random shuffle on every hand. There is no way to count blackjack cards in an online blackjack game. You are just wasting your time.
Never Use Betting Systems (Well, Most of Them)
A lot of players believe that if they wager using the Martingale System, they will be able to walk away with a profit. However, that isn’t guaranteed to be the case. If you were going on a lengthy losing streak using this system (and some others like it), you’d rapidly be bankrupt. Betting systems that require you to double your bet on a loss are catastrophic for the player the longer each game goes on. Feel free to use Basic Strategy to play blackjack online, but it is best to avoid betting strategies on the whole.