Muslims who work and volunteer for Human Appeal, the Muslim-faith based charity who raised money for the victims of the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in May 2017, will be giving out free bottles of water to people attending the screening of the memorial in Cathedral Gardens today.
As it will be during Ramadan, the Muslims who will be giving out the water for free, will be fasting from water and food until sunset. Human Appeal are based in Cheadle, Greater Manchester.
Samra Said, the UK Domestic Programmes Manager from Human Appeal, who spearheaded the Muslims for Manchester Campaign says
“The £27,000 plus we helped raise last year in response to the horrific events at the Manchester Arena helped 187 people who were either caught up in the attack, or were bereaved family members or friends. It helped pay for funeral costs, medical bills, emergency accommodation and psycho-social support for those affected.
“We are a Muslim faith-based charity in Greater Manchester who wanted to give British Muslims an outlet to show that they stood defiant and united with the victims, their family and our great city in a time when our hometown was under attack. We wanted to take a stand against the evil that tried to divide our city. We respond to humanitarian crises wherever they are; Syria, Yemen, Iraq; and on May 22nd 2017, our home was facing a humanitarian crisis.
“As we all gather this week to remember those who lost their lives and those who have had their lives scarred one year ago, Muslims who will be fasting from food and water during Ramadan will be handing out bottles of water to those in attendance to show that – regardless of our religion, or our gender, race or sexuality – we are all one, we are all Mancunians and no one will ever be able to stop that.”
Max Newton, the Community Fundraising Manager for the British Red Cross who Human Appeal partnered with for Muslims for Manchester says:
“On behalf of the British Red Cross and the ‘We Love Manchester’ appeal, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who supported Human Appeal and enabled them to donate an amazing £27,487.05 to help those affected by the terrible attack at the Manchester Arena. It is an incredibly kind and humanitarian act and it is truly inspiring to see so many people and organisations from all parts of society come together at this time.”