Quarry Bank and Dunham Massey are two of ten National Trust properties partnering with Save the Children UK to host a series of events that will highlight children and young people’s experiences of the impacts of the climate crisis and amplify their voices in calls for change.
From 10 to 18 June, young people aged 12 to 18 and their families are invited to a series of events at Quarry Bank including mini-beast hunting, conservation and ecology guided walks and litter picks.
The events build on Great Big Green Week’s Letters to Tomorrow initiative happening at both Quarry Bank and Dunham Massey, in which members of the public are asked to write a letter to their future selves or loved ones, outlining what they love and wish to protect from the impacts of climate change as well as the fears of what life could be like if we don’t take action right now.
The letters, which will be sent to leading politicians following the activities, will act as a much-needed demonstration to the country and the Government that people of all ages are united in their wish to protect nature and to stop climate harm.
Georgina Lofthouse, General Manager at the National Trust’s Dunham Massey said: “Great Big Green Week is a fantastic way to raise awareness of the many challenges that National Trust places and the wider environment faces because of climate change.
“Dunham Massey is home to lots of amazing wildlife like fallow deer, six varieties of bat, rare beetles and birdlife. We’re really proud of the work we do with young volunteers to look after the site for future generations to enjoy. Inviting young people to Dunham Massey to write a letter to their future selves, loved ones and even a local MP is a great way to engage our visitors to think about what life could be like at the places we care for if we don’t take action now.”
Organised by The Climate Coalition for the third time since its pilot in 2021, Great Big Green Week will take place from 10 to 18 June, providing an arena for thousands of communities across the country to voice their views on climate change, speak up on behalf of nature and call for urgent action after decades of damage have pushed the environment to the brink.
Patrick Begg, Director of Outdoors and Natural Resources for the National Trust said: “Working in partnership with Save the Children UK, this Great Big Green Week presents a unique opportunity to empower young people and their families to speak up for nature at a time when it needs it more than ever before.
“Many places in our care are popular destinations for families to visit on their days out, and writing their Letters to Tomorrow gives them a say on the urgent action we need to combat climate change, whether that is in places like the Arctic, in developing countries, or right here at home in the UK.
“As a conservation charity we are determined to do everything we can to tackle the climate and nature crises through initiatives like restoring peatlands, heathlands and flood plains; planting and establishing millions of trees and creating new wildflower meadows. Everyone, everywhere can play their part. We are at a critical point – and it is vital that businesses, our leaders and every one of us takes action now.”
Annabel Fenn, Head of UK Influencing on Climate & Inequality at Save the Children UK said: “We’re excited to be partnering with the National Trust this Great Big Green Week. Together, our organisations have a shared understanding that the biggest threat to nature and children’s futures is the climate crisis.
“The world’s climate is changing and having a direct impact on people and the natural world, and these impacts are disproportionately felt by children. Children and young people deserve better, and they expect more from the leaders in charge. Now is the time for action.
“The Letters to Tomorrow activity taking place across National Trust sites have been designed by our own Youth Advisory Board, who are passionate about making sure children and young people’s voices are heard.
“We encourage all who are interested, to join us at their local National Trust site to pen their own Letter to Tomorrow.”
To find out more information about the events at Dunham Massey and Quarry Bank visit: nationaltrust.org.uk/cheshire