Plans to shape a masterplan for Droylsden are moving forward using £100,000 in Homes England and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Evergreen funding.
Following a fact-finding exercise carried out earlier this year, the consultant team led by OPEN (Optimised Environments) and the Council team working on the masterplan have been collating information and evidence to help shape the vision and plan.
There are several concepts and place shaping influences starting to emerge. Key to the masterplan will be the celebration of local canals, reconnecting and bringing community spaces and historic assets to life and improving the town centre offer with the focus landing firmly on residents and people who use the town.
The work will better understand how Droylsden could capitalise on investment taking place in East Manchester around the Etihad and Co-op Arena developments.
The formal consultation will allow the team to gain public views around the emerging proposals to ensure they are in line with both community and key stakeholder aspirations.
The draft masterplan will outline short, medium, and long-term goals for the wider town centre, which will span over 10-15 years enabling the Council to seek further investment and funding options to be able to implement the plan and then deliver the vision for a sustainable future for Droylsden.A Tameside Council Spokesperson said:
“We really need the input of both residents and businesses to help shape the vision and plans. We know Droylsden like many of our town centres needs action and funding to ensure it meets the needs of the people that live there and those that want to live in Droylsden and we want everyone’s views to be included, engaging with the public is a crucial step in the process so it can be a place everyone is proud of.”