Make 2nds Count, a patient and family-focused charity dedicated to giving hope to women and men living with Secondary Breast Cancer, has launched a monthly meeting in Manchester, where patients can gather to share experiences and advice, widening their support network.
The Tea & A Chat meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of every month, between 1.30 pm and 5 pm, at Friend’s Meeting House and will be open to anyone to attend.
Anne Blacklock, Event Host and Secondary Breast Cancer patient who will be supporting the launch of the first Tea & A Chat in Manchester with Make 2nds Count said, “Hosting the Manchester meet-ups is both an honour and a privilege. I am excited about the opportunity and to be able to give my time to a charity that has given me so much!
“Face-to-face meet-ups offer invaluable time together – having a natter over a cuppa (and cake). We can share our experiences freely, knowing that everyone around us totally understands the journey – we are all in this together.”
Although it can be treated, Secondary Breast Cancer is incurable and currently affects around 61,000 people and claims 1,000 lives each month in the UK. Make 2nds Count is dedicated to raising awareness of this little-known form of the disease, also known as metastatic, advanced or stage IV breast cancer, which has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body.
Emma Hall, Head of Operations for Make 2nds Count comments, “A diagnosis can take people to a very lonely place but being able to meet with others who truly understand the situation can be hugely beneficial. Friendships forged in these circumstances are uniquely valuable and we know this initiative, simple though the premise is, can make a real difference.”
To find out more about Tea & A Chat Manchester and to register to attend, visit https://www.