Manchester City Council will no doubt be shooting themselves in the foot if the planned pay rises for some of its senior managers are approved this week with some seeing their salary increase by up to 60 per cent.
Top of the list is 60.2 per cent for Head of Children and Families comes despite the recent shame of being landed with an ‘inadequate’ Ofsted rating.
The council’s Head of Strategic Communications will also see a pleasant 18 per cent increase while the Head of City Centre Growth and Regeneration will see a 20 per cent increase, up to a yearly salary of £75,000.
The Deputy Chief Executive (Growth & Neighbourhoods) and City Solicitor will both be happy to see a their pay packet increase to an impressive £125,000.
According to executive Head of Finance Cllr John Flanagan, the rises affected eight posts and would be funded “from within existing budgets”.
He told the BBC that Mr Flanagan, “It is essential that we can keep and attract the right calibre of senior staff by having salaries which reflect the levels of responsibility they have and are in line with those available in comparable cities” adding that
“We are currently reviewing all staff salaries, from top to bottom, to ensure they fairly reflect their workloads and responsibility, while maintaining value for money for council taxpayers.”