Salford Academics call for ban on physical punishment for children

Dr Andrew Rowland, Honorary Professor (Children’s Rights, Law, and Advocacy), and Dr Felicity Gerry KC (Honorary Professor) at the University of Salford are calling...

UK employers less likely to recruit disadvantaged ethnic minority graduates

Ethnic minority graduates from a low socio-economic background are 45% less likely to be offered entry-level professional roles compared to more advantaged White applicants,...

Study reveals Distressing experiences of death and dying in care homes during COVID-19 pandemic

Research led by Lancaster University has revealed that the exceptional circumstances early in the COVID-19 pandemic led to distressing experiences of death and dying...

Body image perceptions take shape from early childhood, psychologists reveal

Our perceptions of body image are shaped by what we see from as early as seven years old, according to new research by Durham...

Social fabric for young people in most disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Manchester ‘breaking at the...

A groundbreaking joint report by Local Trust, #Beewell (The University of Manchester) and the Centre for Education and Youth highlights the experiences of young...

Children in youth custody ‘failed before they arrive’, trapping them in a cycle of...

new report from the Children’s Commissioner has revealed children in prison have been failed by multiple services long before they arrive in custody, and...

Ambitious strategy could pull 900,000 children out of poverty

An ambitious strategy could support around 900,00 children out of poverty while inaction could leave the Government with an embarrassing record of rising child...

MP’s Widespread’ and ‘culturally embedded’ ageism in society

Widespread’ and ‘culturally embedded’ ageism requires stronger legal protections against age discrimination and a new cross-Government strategy to address the challenges and opportunities posed...

Poll Tax-style problems return for Britain’s poorest households

Rising bills, falling support, and a bizarre, outdated design, mean that Council Tax is increasingly resembling the dreaded Poll Tax that it replaced, as...

Rooftop solar panels can cut energy bills by almost a quarter – but without...

Rooftop solar panels could cut poorer households’ energy bills by almost a quarter, but big upfront costs mean millions are missing out, according to...