A row of shops in Rochdale town centre has been given a new lease of life thanks to a series of colourful, Victorian-style facelifts.
The South Parade and Drake Street Property Improvement Scheme, a collaboration between Rochdale Borough Council and Historic England, has transformed 12 shops with a bright new look.
The 19th century properties sit within the town centre conservation area but were in a poor condition and had mostly lost their original external features. Their renovation is part of the council and Historic England’s Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) project, which began in 2018.
Painted in striking colours, such as the Post Office in its signature red, the whole area now has a new lease of life and a more uniform and appealing look.
The council project was managed by Rochdale Development Agency (RDA) with partners Rosslee. As well as the bright new shop fronts, repairs were also carried out on roofs, drainage systems, windows, and brickwork.