Boris Johnson has defended  Partygate, saying the person who investigated it was Sue Gray

Interviewed by Tom Bradbu on ITV the former Prime Minister said;

Remind our viewers who Sue Gray is… what post does she currently hold?”

Johnson is promoting his book Unleashed and pressed on to explain why he thinks apologising for Partygate was a mistake he defended the Downing Street staff including the man who organised a lockdown-breaking gathering for over 100 people

‘I really don’t think those officials set out to break the rules’

Johnson also said that it was a ‘total myth’ that he didn’t attend several COBRA meetings during Covid as he was writing a book about Shakespeare

Johnson meanwhile refused to admit that Brexit had been an economic failure and blamed David Cameron for the post vote chaos

‘It’s not normal for the prime minister, having asked for a referendum vote, suddenly to evacuate the stage’


Asked whether he intended a return to politics he said

‘I’m living a life of blameless obscurity’ adding

“My chances of returning to politics, as I think I’ve said before, are about as good as me being reincarnated as an olive, blinded by a Champagne cork, locked in a disused fridge or decapitated by a frisbee.”

Meanwhile Sky News has cancelled its interview with Boris Johnson after it wasn’t allowed to make an audio recording or transcript of the talk

It comes after the BBC had to cancel their interview with the former Prime Minister




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