Artwork produced by school children from 11 primary schools across Radcliffe has been put on display at the site of the new £40m Radcliffe Hub.
Erected on the site hoardings around the Hub construction site and close to the Bridge Tavern, the artwork depicts how the children view their hometown of Radcliffe, demonstrating the powerful sense of community that exists there.
Local artist Lee Crocker led the art project on behalf of Bury Council’s regeneration team, and the project began with a visit to Bury Art Museum’s Spirit of Place.
The Spirit of Place exhibition focuses on the architecture and history of two local streets which helped the children to bolster attachment to Radcliffe in a similar way, contribute to pride of place, and create a solid understanding of the town’s identity.
More than 300 children visited the exhibition at Bury Art Museum before creating at least four individual pieces of art each, which Lee then carefully pieced together to create a compilation for each of the 11 schools.