People travelling on the Metrolink line between Bury and Manchester City Centre will be able to listen to a pre-recorded personal soundtrack to accompany them on their journey
It is the work of Manchester based musician Fritz von Runte who was inspired by his daily journey on the tram network to produce ambient music that primes the listener to where they’re going — calming them for the suburbs and energising them as they emerge into the city.
Fritz told us that he is always on the lookout for new music but wanted his next musical project not to be an album
He moved to Bury three years ago from South Manchester and with a new chapter in his life with the tram being his best friend for the last three years
He combined his love of ambient music and started putting the misic together with the length of the pieces syncronising with the tram stops
The music includes sounds captured from places along the journey and home recorded cassete tapes of speech, and these are sampled in the music on the app
There ae twelve tramstops between Bury and Shudehill and each stop has its dedicated track.Fritz reminds us that in themusical scale there are twelve major amd minor keys and each track goes up a fifth every station
The music increases in intensity as you head towards Manchester, the closer you get the more uplifting and energetic it gets, the reverse happens when you leave the city heading back to Bury
The App has an interesting feature about it Fritz tells us,thanks to a particulat algoritham it plays different sections of each of the songs, there are potentially 1.700,000 versions on the journey
You can try it out for yourselves by searching for TRAMBIENT in the Apple or Android stores