North Manchester’s Moston Lane is to be given a major facelift as part of a programme cleaning up district centres across the city thanks to an airport windfall.
Manchester City Council is going to invest more than £122,000 from the clean city fund, provided by its shareholding in Manchester Airport, into improving the appearance of the area.
This money will pay for work to be carried out over the next six months, as part of a huge citywide clean-up programme focussing on district centres across Manchester.
The council received the £14.5m airport dividend last year as a one-off, largely due to Manchester Airport Holdings Ltd’s purchase of Stansted Airport.
The money will pay for work on Moston Lane and the junctions of surrounding streets such as Worsley Avenue, Gill Street, Clough Road and Kenyon Lane.
This includes the planting of trees along stretches of the road and the planting of bulbs on some of the grass verges.
Improvements will also be made to the area’s Peace Gardens, with pathways resurfaced, new benches installed and a sign cleaned up, while the nearby St Dunstan’s Green will also be cleaned.