A significant amount of cash, estimated to be around £100,000, and approximately half a kilogram of suspected class A drugs have been seized during raids in Cheetham Hill

Three addresses were raided and a male aged 25 years was arrested on suspicion of firearms offences, and remains in custody.

It comes after warrants last Friday saw police arrest six people and recover approximately 7 kilos of suspected class A and B drugs and in excess of £25,000.

Detective Inspector Simon Akker of GMP’s Serious & Organised Crime Division said: “The raids we carried out yesterday are part an on-going operation, set up to tackle gun crime in North Manchester.

“The operation has already proven highly successful, with a significant amount of cash, drugs and firearms seized in the past two weeks alone.

“Already this is monumental in our effort to tackle organised crime here in Greater Manchester, and I hope the results we have already seen serve as a warning to those involved in this type of crime.

“The work carried out so far is a testament to those involved, and as we continue with this operation, I look forward to the results we hope to see in the weeks ahead.

“All involved have been working tirelessly to gather intel and execute these warrants, and the results really do speak for themselves.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to stress to the public that any information – no matter how big or small you may think it may be – really can prove invaluable. Intel we receive can shape our operations, and we often rely on intelligence and information received from members of the community.



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